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Indonesia’s Natural Resources

Me and my best friends are in the Sasono Langen Budoyono Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. They are listening to a guide who is giving information about Indonesia’s natural resource. Here is this information

“Indonesia is a rich country. Its land is fertile. It produces rice, maize, cassava, copra, sugar, cloves, nutmeg, and pepper. Indonesia is also rich in mineral and natural resources. It produces oil, tin, coal, gold, silver, etc.

The forest also provides us with wood fot houses, ships, furniture, and raw material to make paper and cloth. They also provide food for a large population of birds and animals. Their functions also can be as places for recreation, hiking, sightseeing, fishing, hunting, camping, and other outdoor activities.

Its sea has a large number of kinds of fish, amphibians, and creatures with shells it also has beautiful panorama, so people can panorama by diving. Its sea is also good for surfing, skiing, All of them can attract a lot of tourists.

Its air is rich in kinds of birds shines all day. It is one reason why plants to grow. No wonder if mountain, hill, the beach, the sides of the streets forever”.

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