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The word communication comes from the verb communicate, which means to gove or exchange information, news, ideas or opinions by speech or writing. In other words, communication is the sending of information or news from one person to another, or the exchange of such information or news between people.

Theough communication people learn from one another the things they want to know. Imagine if human beings sould not communicate with one another. If a person cannot communicate, he will not talk to other people, and no other people will talk to him or teach him anything. So it would be impossible for him to learn anything. Can he learn anything by himself.

He could a child learn to do anything at all if he did not have the chance to communicate with other people, especially with his parents, brother and sisters. He would not learn to talk and would not learn to do any other things either. Someone must teach the child. In other words, someone must communicate knowledge and skills to child.

The main way people communicate with one another is by speaking. Two people can communicate in this way when they are near to each other. Now a days, however, we can use electronic instrument like the telephone, radio and telegraph as a means of communication by writing letters.

Writing began when men used pictures to explain their thoughts to others. Now writing has become a very important means to communicate. Newspaper, magazines, book and other printed materials use writing. Since communication is important for gaining knowledge, you must communicate actively with other people, especially with your teacher and friends at school.

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