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The Indonesian Archipelago

The Indonesian Archipelago is the largest group of island in the world. It extends between two continents, Asia and Australia. It also lies between two oceans the Samudera Indonesia and the Pasific Ocean.
Indonesia’s 13,667 islands stretch 5,120 kilometres from esat to west and 1,770 kilometres from north to south. The five main islands are sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya (Papua).

Indonesia has a land area of 1,904,345 square kilometers. More than half of it is forested land and a large part is mountainous, with 15 of the mountains are still volcanically active. One of history’s greatest volcanic eruptions, which killed thousands of people, occurred in 1883 on the island of Krakatau, which lies between Java and Sumatera.

Indonesia is one of the most populous countries in the world. Its total population is 160 milion. More than 60% of the population live on the island of Java. The Indonesian population consists of more than 300 ethnic group which speak 500 different languages, but more of them understand the national language, Bahasa Indonesia. 

The Indonesian Government’s campaign to  popularize Bahasa Indonesia at present can be seen through signs in public places and various which say ‘Use good Bahasa Indonesia correctly’. Indonesia’s moto offices Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means Unity in Diversity, symbolizes the unity of the people in spite of their ethnic and cultural origins.

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