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Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-Verb Agreement
o          The subject of a sentence is what the sentence is all about. In the following sentence, the word "book" is the subject: "The book is on the table." In this example, the focus of the sentence is the object in question: the book that sits on the table's surface.

o          The verb of a sentence is the action word that generally describes what the subject is doing. In the following sentence, the word "walks" is the verb: "The man walks to the car." In this sentence, the verb "walks" describes what the subject "man" is doing.

o          In all English sentences, both the subject and the verb must agree with one another. Depending on whether or not the subject is singular or plural, the verb must match that subject(s) and/or object(s) accordingly. For example, if the subject of the sentence is singular ("the man") then the verb that describes what the man is doing must also be singular ("is," "sits," "eats," "smiles," etc.). If the subject is plural ("the men"), then the verb that describes the subject should also be plural ("are," "sit," "eat," "smile," etc.).


1.         Skating IS becoming more popular everyday.
2.         Every body who HAVE a fever must go home immediately.
3.         There WAS some people at the meeting last night.
4.         There HAS been too many interruptions in this class.
5.         Neither jill nor her parents HAVE seen this movie before.
6.         A pair of jeans WAS in the washing machine this morning.
7.         The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter IS appalling.
8.         Every elementary school teacher HAVE to take this examination.
9.         The crowd at the basketball game WAS wild with excitement.
10.       Anything IS better than going to another movie tonight.

Sumber :
1.    http://www.ehow.com/info_8384210_principles-subjectverb-agreement.html
2.    http://www.towson.edu/ows/moduleSVAGR.html

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